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Columbus Alternative High School: School of Choice

Announcements and Upcoming Events

Month of January: CAHS Read-a-Thon sponsored by the PTA -- more details to come.

February 2: CAHS Chess Tournament
February 5 and 7: Scheduled Parent Teacher Conferences
February 8 and 9: IB Play, 7pm


1) Link your Kroger card and/or your Target card to the CAHS PTA, and Kroger and Target will donate to the CAHS PTA every time you use your card, and/or 2) Contribute via the No-Phone-a-Thon and mail a donation to The Friends of CAHS PTA, c/o Columbus Alternative High School, 2632 McGuffey Road, Columbus, Ohio 43211. Did you also know that many employers will match donations made by employees to non-profit organizations like the PTA?

CAHS Alumni

The PTA values all past and present educational experiences of the CAHS alumni, and feels that it important to continuously share those experiences with the current CAHS students to keep them motivated and inspired to aim high with a "can do" attitude. We appreciate all of the help and support the CAHS alumni have given the PTA in the past. If you are willing to help support the PTA, please send us an email at Join the CAHS Alumni Association (1978-1990) on Facebook, or start your own alumni group!

Blog Archive

Saturday, May 1, 2010

December 1, 2009 -- CAHS PTA Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Friends of CAHS PTA December 1, 2009

President, Stephanie Ludwig, called the meeting to order at the Columbus Alternative High School at 7 pm. In attendance were 14 people present (constituting a quorum). Those present introduced themselves.

Principal’s Report:

Dr. Dixon reported that interim reports were mailed today. The No-Phone-A-Thon letters were mailed. The Chorale concert is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 3. The International potluck for the foreign language classes is scheduled for tomorrow, Dec. 2 at 6 p.m. Freshman students will begin shadowing tomorrow. There is no school next week (Wednesday) and tomorrow (Dec. 2) is a professional development day. Staff will revisit internships; there are students that want to switch assignments. Some students and parents do not like the internship program. Some students (25) are attending a creative writing class for half the day. Tomorrow’s in-service discussion will begin with what the schedule will look like and let the curriculum guide the schedule. [REDACTED] Kaleidoscope, held in January prior to the school lottery selection, is January 6. Dr. Dixon requested assistance from the PTA for Kaleidoscope, and attendance at the lottery fair later this month.

President’s Report:

Stephanie reported FOCAHS received a second quarter report from the Kroger Community Rewards program. The monthly packet included the report. The Author Series meeting had eight attendees after extensive advertisement and announcements. Michelle Herman will try again in the spring. A suggestion was made to hold the series during the school day in a class or as an assembly. Stephanie thanked everyone that helped with the Parent-Teacher Conference. Dr. Dixon added, in the spring, the Parent- Teacher Conference session will be held on two nights in two separate weeks.

Secretary’s Report:

Tracy Taylor submitted the meeting minutes from November’s FOCAHS meeting. There is a correction to the spelling of Jacob Manser’s last name. A thank you card was received for the assistance provided by FOCAHS for the fall fling.

Treasurer’s Report:

Revenue, balance, and cash flow sheets from July 2009 to the current date were submitted; a motion was made to accept the reports and the motion passed. Toni will write a check to pay for the liability and bond insurance for the coming year.

Audit Committee Report:

Jeff Sherman reported the first quarter balanced. Jeff will submit a written report next month.

Activity Coordinator’s Report:

Carolyn Rhodes reported the Bake Sale was held on Nov. 20 and there was more interest than in the past. The sale raised [REDACTED] This is a $30 increase from the previous month. The December Bake sale was rescheduled for January 8, and there was some discussion regarding the involvement of CAHS clubs.

Chorale Report:

The winter concert is scheduled for Dec. 3 at 7 p.m., $3 for students and $5 for adults.

Alumni Committee Report: No Report this month

Fundraising Committee Report:

Trish Geoghagan reported four more teacher request were received. [REDACTED] Trish is waiting for other requests.

Grant Writing Committee:

Toni Dodge attended a grant writer’s forum, and was given some ideas and opportunities. The Columbus Foundation currently no longer matches donations due to a slumping economy.

Hospitality Committee Report:

Michele Sherman reported the Staff Appreciation Breakfast is scheduled for Dec. 11. You can drop off items to Michele Sherman in the morning by 7:00am. The Chess Tournament is scheduled for Feb. 6. The sign-up sheets were available for signups as well as the worker schedule. Discussions will be held in the future to discuss how to divide the money raised from the Chess Tournament.

Membership Committee Report:

Michele Sherman reported there are 108 registered members to date. The membership goal for the year is 125. Michele reminded everyone that anyone can be a member and as a member discounts are available for services from sponsors.

Robotics Report:

Ms Bell reported the district has joined with the robotic teams of Linden McKinley and CAHS. Ms Bell setup criteria for team members. The first team is a varsity (designated advisor) team with mentors from Honda; this team will collaborate with the Dublin team. There are eight varsity team members. The junior varsity team has 15 members. The kick-off is Jan. 9, and the F.I.R.S.T. competition is at Ohio State.

Meals On Wheels Coordinator:

There was no report this month

Old Business

Student/Fall Fling Report:

Ms Bell provided an expense report for the Fall Fling. There were 138 students and the dance was 100% student driven. Everyone had a goodtime and the Student Senate members will review and come up with ideas and ways to improve and revise.

Pegasus of the Month Program:

Students are honored who have received all As and Bs. Ms Bell is working on a design for t-shirts. In May they are planning a dinner; maybe something catered. Awards are given every nine weeks.

Pre-Winter Break w/ Recent Alumni (Dec. 18):

Anne Hoke is chairing this committee, and will invite some of the alumni from the Class of 2009. The returning alumni will meet with students during two lunch periods the Friday before Winter Break to discuss their college experiences, and the importance of being prepared for college.

Pass-It-On donations:

Used paperback books are donated to the library and students can pick-up a book with the idea to return the books to “Pass It On” again for others to read.


GFS Presentation – No presentation tonight

IB Dinner Reception:

Mrs. Thornburg is requesting from FOCAHS [REDACTED] for a catering a dinner for junior and senior IB students. This event works around a dinner party event. Mrs. Thornburg submitted a request with details and her submission is included in the monthly packet. We voted to table this request until further information about the date, student involvement, and possible assistance from parents.

Martin Luther King Civil Rights Trip:

In the past, FOCAHS has given scholarships to some students that attended. The tour schedule was included in the monthly packet for discussion, if we want to offer scholarships. It was pointed out that Spring Break is later this year. The trip dates do not coincide with Spring Break, and conflict with OGT testing.

December Gift Card Drawing:

Winner Davan Dodrill

The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at CAHS in Rm. 128.