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Columbus Alternative High School: School of Choice

Announcements and Upcoming Events

Month of January: CAHS Read-a-Thon sponsored by the PTA -- more details to come.

February 2: CAHS Chess Tournament
February 5 and 7: Scheduled Parent Teacher Conferences
February 8 and 9: IB Play, 7pm


1) Link your Kroger card and/or your Target card to the CAHS PTA, and Kroger and Target will donate to the CAHS PTA every time you use your card, and/or 2) Contribute via the No-Phone-a-Thon and mail a donation to The Friends of CAHS PTA, c/o Columbus Alternative High School, 2632 McGuffey Road, Columbus, Ohio 43211. Did you also know that many employers will match donations made by employees to non-profit organizations like the PTA?

CAHS Alumni

The PTA values all past and present educational experiences of the CAHS alumni, and feels that it important to continuously share those experiences with the current CAHS students to keep them motivated and inspired to aim high with a "can do" attitude. We appreciate all of the help and support the CAHS alumni have given the PTA in the past. If you are willing to help support the PTA, please send us an email at Join the CAHS Alumni Association (1978-1990) on Facebook, or start your own alumni group!

Blog Archive

Saturday, May 1, 2010

November 2, 2009 -- CAHS PTA Meeting Minutes

November 3, 2009

President, Stephanie Ludwig, called the meeting to order at the Columbus Alternative High School at 7 pm. In attendance were 18 people present (constituting a quorum). Those present introduced themselves.

Principal’s Report:
Dr. Dixon reported the staff was preparing for the Parent Teacher Conference scheduled for next week, November 10 and 11. The Crucible is scheduled to run this week, Nov. 5-7. Credit Recovery will begin next Tuesday (November 10) after school, attending two days a week. There are only 31 students, 9th thru 11th grades enrolled in credit recovery. There was an article in the local community Booster paper about National Merit winner Jacob Miser. Dr. Dixon announced that CAHS is a School of Promise

President’s Report: Stephanie Ludwig
Stephanie announced the Parent Teacher conference times and dates again and requested volunteers to help staff the PTA table. Stephanie mentioned the highlights from the Columbus Public Schools’ newsletter, including the listing of CAHS as a School of Promise, and that the yearly school report card is now available. Stephanie thanked everyone that helped with the Chess Tournament.

Secretary’s Report: Tracy Taylor
Tracy Taylor presented the minutes from the Oct. 3 meeting. A motion was made to accept the minutes and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report/ Audit Committee Reports: Jeff Sherman reported for Toni Dodge
Jeff Sherman presented the Audit report. Two motions were made to approve the Audit Report and the final financial statements from last year. Both motions passed. The profit and loss totals for June 2009 were reviewed.

Activity Coordinator’s Report: Carolyn Rhodes
Carolyn Rhodes reported the next bake sale is scheduled for Nov. 20. Carolyn asked to everyone remember to package cookies in individual sandwich bags. Dr. Dixon offered the use of the popcorn machine for any PTA event. The bake sale raised [REDACTED], a $4.00 increase over October’s bake sale.

Author Series Coordinator: Stephanie Ludwig reported for Michelle Herman
Andrew Hudgins will be at CAHS on Tuesday, November 17, at 2:45 pm.

Chorale Committee Report: Mary Ellen Sinclair
Mary Ellen Sinclair reported the Chorale has a concert scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 3. Mr. Flemming would like the PTA to provide a total advance of [REDACTED] to pay for the services of an accompanist [REDACTED]) and a dance coordinator ([REDACTED]) by Nov. 13 and Dec. 2 respectively. A motion was made to amend the original motion to reduce the advanced amount by [REDACTED] (the net amount currently allocated to the Chorale on the PTA’s balance sheet). The amended motion passed to advance a total of [REDACTED] and use the [REDACTED] remaining in the chorale fund to pay for the accompanist and dance coordinator. Ticket revenue from the concert will be deposited into the chorale fund.

Columbus PTA Council Representative Report: Genia Marshall
Genia Marshall introduced Rhonda Morris of the Columbus Council of PTA’s. There are some special events for Dads’, Custodians on all school levels. The next Columbus PTA Council meeting is scheduled for Jan. 18, 6-7 pm, at the downtown office.

Alumni Committee Report: Lemuel Harrison (absent)
No report this month

Fundraising Committee Report: Trish Geoghegan and Ann Laubach
Trish Geoghegan is drafting the No-Phone-A-Thon letter to be sent with student grades. Trish will send another letter reminding teachers to submit request.

Grant Writing Committee: Jeff Sherman reported for Toni Dodge
Jeff Sherman reported several potential grant opportunities including the Jeffrey Fund and Google. Jeff Sherman and Toni Dodge met with Dr. Courtice, of the Columbus Foundation, to discuss future grant opportunities including the Parent Education and Teachers for English grant opportunities in the spring.

Hospitality Committee Report: Michele Sherman
Michele Sherman reported the Staff Appreciation event was held and it was another great event. The next Staff Appreciation event is scheduled for Dec. 11. Michelle wanted to thank everyone for their contributions.

Membership Committee Report: Michele Sherman
Michele Sherman reported there were 21 new members in October and there are now 88 FOCAHS members. Stephanie has a few more new members to turn in. Michele reminded everyone there are benefits including discounts with businesses.

Publicity Report: Carla Wiltshire
There was an article in the community newspaper about The Crucible play. There was also an article about the National Merit winner: Jacob Miser.

Meals On Wheels Coordinator: Jeff Sherman reported for Toni Dodge
Mr. Qualls continues to donate his time to deliver MOWs and FOCAHS receives the payment for the work.

School Board Report: Lemuel Harrison
No report this month


Student dance:
The school dance is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 20. Advance tickets are $2 and include pizza and soda. The week of the dance, tickets are $5. Students may bring one non-CAHS guest; they must complete a Non-CAHS guest form. Student senate members will serve as DJ. Security will be provided.

Pegasus of the Month Program:
There is no Pegasus of the Month report.

Chess tournament Concessions:
The tournament was held at CAHS, Nov. 1. The total sales for the day were [REDACTED]. There is an anticipated payment to CAHS for the kitchen help of [REDACTED].

Stratford Trip:
Mr. Fawcett reported on the trip to Stratford in September 2009:
• This is the second year that FOCAHS has helped a student attend.
• The 32 students were very good ambassadors.
• Students saw the following plays: a “fabulous production” of West Side Story on the first night, The Importance of Being Earnest, and two Shakespeare plays, Julius Caesar and Mac Beth.
• The students toured the costume warehouse.
• Dr. Dixon attended and this was the first time a CAHS administer has attended.
• During the Mac Beth pre-show, CAHS was the only school able to go on stage.
• The students had lunch at Wayne State University and visited the Detroit Museum of Art.
• The trip was three days and cost $375.00 pp.


Pre-Winter Break w/ recent alumni:
Jeff Sherman will lead a sub-committee to plan the Pre-Winter break with recent alumni. Tracy will help w/ Planning. The event is open to all students and held during lunch. There is a cost of approximately [REDACTED] for gift cards to give to the returning alumni as payment. A motion made to hold the event and purchase [REDACTED] in gift cards for the alumni who volunteered to participate in the event. The motion passed.

November monthly winner: Helen McWhirter