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Columbus Alternative High School: School of Choice

Announcements and Upcoming Events

Month of January: CAHS Read-a-Thon sponsored by the PTA -- more details to come.

February 2: CAHS Chess Tournament
February 5 and 7: Scheduled Parent Teacher Conferences
February 8 and 9: IB Play, 7pm


1) Link your Kroger card and/or your Target card to the CAHS PTA, and Kroger and Target will donate to the CAHS PTA every time you use your card, and/or 2) Contribute via the No-Phone-a-Thon and mail a donation to The Friends of CAHS PTA, c/o Columbus Alternative High School, 2632 McGuffey Road, Columbus, Ohio 43211. Did you also know that many employers will match donations made by employees to non-profit organizations like the PTA?

CAHS Alumni

The PTA values all past and present educational experiences of the CAHS alumni, and feels that it important to continuously share those experiences with the current CAHS students to keep them motivated and inspired to aim high with a "can do" attitude. We appreciate all of the help and support the CAHS alumni have given the PTA in the past. If you are willing to help support the PTA, please send us an email at Join the CAHS Alumni Association (1978-1990) on Facebook, or start your own alumni group!

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

January 5, 2010-- CAHS PTA Meeting Minutes

Friends of CAHS PTA

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Location: CAHS, Room 128

Introductions: President Stephanie Ludwig started the meeting by introducing herself and each PTA member introduced themselves and the name of their child and grade level.


Principal's Report: Talisa Dixon

Dr. Dixon was not in attendance however, Mr. Dodrill provided an update on her behalf. The semester is ending on January 15. The exam schedule is set as blocks two & four on Wed. January 13 and blocks 1 & 3 on Thurs. January 14, and Friday, Jan 15 is the make-up day. There was no school on Monday, January 18 for MLK. The semi-formal at the Crown Plaza on Saturday, Jan. 30; the school calendar listed as Jan. 23. The Parent-Teacher Conferences scheduled for Wed. Jan. 27, 4 PM to7 PM and Wed. Feb. 2, 3:30 PM to 7 PM.

The staff will vote at Monday's staff meeting on using block scheduling and the accommodations needed. There will be more information available at the next meeting. Mr. Kaufmann said he would be willing to talk to any parent that wanted more information. Dr. Dixon mentioned there is a committee meeting and Mr. Kaufman will send an email to any parent that wants to be participate with that committee. Let Stephanie know if you would like to be involved and she will let Dr. Dixon know. As a part of the packet, there is a little known State law that the school organizations and the PTA cannot sell any food items during the same time the school cafeteria is open for business. This does not affect before school, breakfast, or after lunch. The reason behind the law is not to cut into the profit of the food items. Breakfast is an exception because breakfast is free from everyone.Mr. Dodrill also provided an update on the assault from December. Several leads were given including one from another school. Previous and current photographs were shown to the students and eventually a positive identification was made. Law enforcement was informed and then the investigation stage begins. The incident is now in the hands of law enforcement.

President’s Report: Stephanie Ludwig

Stephanie reminded everyone that Kaidoscope (open house for prospective freshmen) is scheduled tomorrow (January 6) from 6 PM to 8 PM. They will begin in the auditorium with a presentation and then go to the individual classes (Math, Science, Humanities, and Foreign Language) and grade levels to hear from the teachers. There will be students available for tours as well. Two tables were requested for placement in front of the attendance office for the parent consultants and PTA representatives. Stephanie asked if anyone wanted to contribute baked items; if available, you may bring them to the school at 5:30. The school lottery fair is scheduled for January 20 at Eastmoor Academy, from 6 PM to 7:30 PM. Stephanie asked if anyone was interested in attending, which would be helpful to offer a parents’ perspective of CAHS and PTA. We do not usually attend. The Poetry Out Loud competition is scheduled for Friday, January 22 at CAHS. The first year, CAHS won first place, the second year CAHS, won second in the State. If anyone is interested, they may attend.

Secretary's Report: Tracy Taylor

The secretary’s report was emailed to members and they are in the meeting packet. A vote was taken to accept the December 1, 2009 meeting minutes. A motion was made to accept the minutes as written, seconded, and passed.

Treasurer's Report: Toni Dodge

The monthly statement included in the packet shows the cash available now. One correction, there was a deposit of[REDACTED] was added to the Chess Tournament line item and it should be Chorale. This is a part of the Chorale intake from their event. Toni will correct the balance sheet. Several checks will be deposited. No invoice has been received from the district/food services for the personnel used at the Chess Tournament.

Audit Committee: The report was added to the packet. The previous treasurer (Kim Dillard) has to sign-off. A motion was made to approve the audit report; the motion was seconded and passed.

Activity Coordinator: Carolyn Rhodes

Carolyn was not here this week. The bake sale for Friday, January 8 was canceled. Carolyn is not available this month for a bake sale so the Friday sale was moved to January 22. Carolyn suggested at a previous meeting that this sale would be a good time for school groups to help. Toni suggested that Mr. Jones and the In the Know kids could help as well for the team’s benefit. It was suggested the Robotics kids would bring items in and sell on Friday, January 22. Ms Bell would talk to the kids on Wednesday.

Author Series Coordinator: No report given

Chorale Committee Report: Mary Ellen Sinclair

Mary Ellen reported that the Chorale concert took in $595; there was already [REDACTED] available/deposit. When the fees for the accompanist and the chorographer are paid, [REDACTED] there remains about [REDACTED] available for Chorale.

Columbus Council Representative Report: No report given

Fundraising Committee Report: Trish Geoghegan and Ann Laubach

Nine donations were received totaling [REDACTED]; the packet included a list of teachers’ request. Stephanie suggested that we vote on them next month when we can get a list together. Dr. Dixon would like to see the list for her to use some of the school funds. There were several request provided but with no specific cost for the items. There was discussion about the items listed and the need for more specifics and what the district can/will provide (as a part of the curriculum) and what FOCAHS is willing to purchase.

Grant Writing Committee Report: No report given

Hospitality Committee Report: Michele Sherman

There was a staff-teacher breakfast in December that went very well. The next Hospitality event is scheduled for mid-February and the sign-up sheet will be passed around at February’s meeting.

Membership Committee Report: Michele Sherman

Memberships are still coming in and there are currently 111 paid members.

Publicity Report: No Report

Robotics Report: Ms Bell

On Saturday, January 9, the team will meet to get their robot from F.I.R.S.T. competition at OSU. The team of 15 to 18 students has a mentor from Honda will go along with them to get the robot. The mentor (an engineer) will get to go with the team and on the floor for the competition in Cleveland next month. This is the first time they are able to take an engineer with them. Everyone that goes on Saturday is a part of the competition and goes to Cleveland in March.

The team now has a partnership with OSU engineering program/students for the first time. The OSU students will rotate in and help mentor the high school students. One of the OSU students will also go to the competition. An advisor and mentor from Linden-McKinley will also go to the competition.

Robotics will also participate in the bake sale January 22.

Alumni Committee Report: Lemuel Harrison

The committee was trying to find ways to reach alumni other than online registration to become more active. Lemuel requested to create radio ads for all calls to update social networking sites. Others possible ideas include creating a (stand-alone) endowment, and alumni news. The main interest is creating radio ads. Lemuel requested permission and support from FOCAHS and the building administration to write a script for a radio ad. Mr. Dodrill did not think there was a problem, but the District communications’ office would have to review content according to policy. Mr. Dodrill also suggested placing ads in some of the local newspapers to find alumni. A suggestion was made to place classified ads over regular ads due to the price. Several suggestions include using the social networking site Facebook, connecting now with the current graduating class, and contacting Anne Hoke for the names and email addresses of the students that attended the Pre-Break session with alumni in December. Another suggestion was thru the district radio station, WCBE.

Lemuel requested approval from the FOCAHS to connect with CAHS alumni. He would create a script for approval from FOCAHS, and then submit to Dr. Dixon to approval and the school board office.

School Board Report: Lemuel Harrison

There is no formal report this month because this is the first board meeting of the New Year and they are introducing the new members. Lemuel chose not to attend tonight’s meeting. Typically, the Board meets the first and third Tuesday of the month. Lemuel is opting out of attending the first Tuesday meeting to attend FOCAHS meeting. He will attend the Board meetings on the third Tuesday and report the results to the monthly FOCAHS meeting.


Pegasus of the Month Program (Student Incentive Report) - Ms. Bell

Ms. Bell requested renaming the program to Student Incentive Report. Pegasus of the Month is a part of the student incentive program. There was no December POG (Pegasus of the Month) since it was a short month. The program will be honor roll (all A’s or B’s). AP & IB teachers want to push their students to get A’s and B’s. Two students that receive C’s worked to bring their grades up to B’s. The nine-week program is call A’s & B’s Honor Roll. The students will gather with the administration on February 2 for a meal with entertainment provided by Chorale and highlight some of the senior talent. There were 138 in the last award group.

FOCAHS President Ludwig suggested moving next month’s meeting since the last Parent Teacher Conference is scheduled for Feb. 2, the same day as the regularly scheduled PTA meeting. The meeting was moved to Wednesday, Feb. 3.

Chess Tournament Concessions – Michele & Jeff Sherman

Sign-up sheets were passed out for donations, supplies, and workers for the Saturday, February 6 event. FOCAHS will staff, supply food, and workers for the event. Michelle will send a reminder email to anyone that signed up to bring items.


Pre-Winter Break Student Chat with Recent Alumni:

Thirteen students from the class the 2009 class attended. Approximately, 50 students attended. The session was informative. A different format is needed there were too many distractions. A suggestion was made by have another session in the spring for sophomores, preparing for the next school year, and possibly for juniors. Ms. Bell mentioned incorporating the event with Student Olympics (Thursday before Spring Break). Ms. Bell also mentioned she is in the process of developing a Leadership Summit to be held in April or May.

Courtyard Revitalization:

Last year the FOCAHS allotted [REDACTED] for the courtyard revitalization last year. Mr. Steve Montague had expected some help from Oakland Nursery however, there was no feedback. There were some plantings in the fall in preparation for spring. Some items were repurposed - awnings from Max and Erma’s, some cedar wood leftover from another job will be repurposed to use in the courtyard. An expense list was included in the packet to cover three or four tables, one long bench, and one bench for every table. Ms. Bell mentioned a warehouse where purchases are available at reasonable prices. Some of the picnic tables need to be replaced. The question was asked if this project would end at the end of the school year or continue into the next. Mr. Montague stated it could be extended. The students currently involved graduate in June. Ms Bell stated this could be an internship opportunity for next year. A motion was made to reimburse Mr. Montague [REDACTED] to cover the difference in what he spent now and the [REDACTED] already allotted and any further expenses would need to be approved in advance by FOCAHS. The motion was seconded and passed.

Fathers Reach Out Program

Mark Hill spoke on introducing a project to reach out the fathers of CAHS students. If you would like to join the committee or have ideas to discuss with Mark, you may reach him at

Increase CAHS Student Population for Next year

The district wants to increase the available lottery slots at CAHS next year to 200 students over the 150 admitted last year. Dr. Dixon has recommended that they all be admitted as incoming freshmen. The current class levels vary (seniors 176, juniors 179-189, sophomores 168, and freshman 150) and because 175-200 will be graduating, unless we enroll 200 more to replace those graduating, we may lose teachers. It was Dr. Dixon’s view that adding students as freshman rather than as upperclassmen is better for assimilation into the CAHS curriculum. President Ludwig mentioned that the Planning Committee is planning to meet to prepare a suggested class schedule for next year which should be better able to accommodate the larger freshman class than in the past.

There was an open discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of adding 50 more students to next year’s total enrollment, and the administrators present recommended that the PTA adopt a “wait and see” approach.

Gift Card Drawing Winner: Mary Ellen Sinclair

The meeting was adjourned.